I met Nick through my roommate Brendan a few years back while he was living in San Ramon. At first i thought this kid was the craziest, not giving a care, ruthless teenager I had ever met. Through the years I got to know Nick a bit and realized this guy is, in my language "legit".

Nick's one of a kind. Dresses to the beat of his own drum and a style all his own. He's very eccentric and in my mind on another level. If you see him in a "DangerZone" episode you'll recognize how off the wall Sick Nikki Fresh is. I'm pretty impressed with Nick and his Open Faith with people around him. That's always pumped me up. He can be such a popular dude on the Skateboard/Snowboard scene and still stick to his true alliance with Jesus Christ.

It's cool to me when people that get really big and popular remember where they came from and can stay grounded like Nikki has. That's inspiration to me in a bit of a nutshell. We all inspire people in different ways, some people more than others. It's finding the inspiration that you can use to better your soul that's most important to me.
Dude! I can't believe I haven't seen your blog before. I like it!