So, last year I heard about this ritual that few partake in every year from none other than my Senior Pastor at my Church. As I was going through interesting times at that point, I decided to try out this month long event. The interesting thing for me was that I never had a chance to grow out even a 5 o'clock shadow in the past being quickly mocked at the idea. Since I don't have a problem these days growing facial hair and need not care about impressing any females during January, I think I might have a second go at it. Wish me luck with Patience and self control with the razor.
What is Manuary?
The rules are very simple:
1.) If you do not want to be called a little girl for the rest of the year you cannot Shave or Trim, your beard.
2.) Head Starts are allowed.
3.) Underbeards can be shaved, but you can still be made fun of by those who are more manly then you.
If you want to only grow a mustache, that is okay only if it is a thick, manly mustache. You will still be putting yourself at risk of being made fun of by those who are more manly and grew a full beard out.