So have you ever wanted to meet someone, just to sit down to have a chat with? Well since I was eh.. say 8 years old I have been infatuated with the Enigma that is U2. I have been to countless concerts throughout the years, 2nd Deck at the Coliseum back in 1993 being the first one for the Zooropa Tour. Ever since that concert I have been addicted. At first it was just going to the show was enough for me. Not anymore! My Cohort Crazies (as I just made up the name)
have been known for doing some out of control stunts, just to see these guys up close. We're talking about staying up all night, waiting in line for up to 12 hours just to be one of the first ones in line to start the Underground U2 fan club list. My brother Aaron, sister Susannah, and myself recently traveled to Arizona to watch U2 out of state. It was a crazy idea to tell you the truth.
Each of us were going through different things in our life and it was amazing to spend some time as siblings again. Long story much shorter, we arrive at the venue bright and early in the morning to get our name on the "list". And with that you get the number on your hand so that you may go about as you please throughout the day without losing your place in line. The line can get a little bit crazy at times as the day wears on. Example below where we have been waiting in line since 5 in the morning and this guy decides to show up 30 minutes before they let us in. he quickly got the clue. I really enjoy the time with my siblings as we wait all day to see our favorite band. Our quick foot pursuit from the G/A line down the back corridors of the stadiums is somewhat thrilling, as they whisk you to the floor level only to get as close as you can to the band. That is what is thrilling.
So the question still stands. Have you ever wanted to meet someone really, really badly? Well for me its pretty plain and simple after reading this blog entry thus far.
My answer....
Bono (Paul Hewson)
The Edge (David Evans)
Larry Mullen Jr.

Adam Clayton
They make us feel alive inside when we are belting our lungs out while singing along. I love these guys!
They bring me closer to my siblings and they put a huge smile on my face! I really want to meet U2, badly. However; if I can meet them while being front row for the 8th time while putting up with Lenny Kravitz for 45 minutes, I'll be a happy guy! Here's to Tuesday Night and getting closer to meeting my favorite band!