August 8, 1991
Wow, our lives really changed that day. I've never felt so scared as when I saw you in a coma in the ICU, with your head shaved and your body covered with tubes. I remember sitting, holding your hand, talking to you as you lay so still. I believed that you could hear me somehow. Maybe you did and that helped you get stronger. Sometimes it all seems like a dream? I wanted to take your place in that hospital. But you were so brave, and you were filled with courage and I remember thinking, "I could never be as strong as Jonathan, if this had happened to me I wouldn't have survived." I remember talking to you into brain surgery when you were still in your coma. Dad, mom and I prayed for you and I saw tears slip down your cheek because you were so scared. I felt so helpless and afraid, but you were a fighter, and you came out of your coma and got stronger little by little. You never complained about your situation. You have such strong character.
Susannah Eloyse Prinz
Sooz. I love you.
Sooz. I love you.