Through the Eyes of Minnesota Fats.
The last few days marked a fun and enjoyable time with my two best friends - Jon Ruff and Rick Burke. Though we are separated by a few states, our bond is strong and we relish our times together. What started as a simple friendship back in Elementary school has blossomed into years of memories, growth and hilarity as we trudge through life. It has been interesting to see what has happened to each of us in respect to school, Jobs, family and opportunities the last few decades. I am thrilled that we made a commitment to each other to all get together every 2 years so we can keep in touch and spend time together. What a great time to just play golf, go out to eat and laugh. Some of our favorite pastimes.
We are fortunate to have each other to rely on... I am reminded of the Bible's urgings in Proverbs 17:17 - A friend Loves at all times and a brother is born for adversity. What I love about our friendship is that even though we fight and disagree, our love for each other is strong enough to overshadow our differences and we forgive each other and move on stronger and closer. We all should treasure this gift of close friendship we have.. Many modern psychologists say that most adult men will only have 1-2 close friends in a lifetime. We have truly been blessed boys in having each other. Thanks for being there for me now matter what. I love the loyalty we have amongst each other. That faithfulness is a gift from God. I am looking forward to playing golf next go around and writing something similar in the decades to come.
JT :)