March 9th.
A day that comes with mixed emotions every year. I go into the month of March always pumped to celebrate the day and party with happiness entailed. For some reason though it never happens. I think I blow it up, epic style with the days leading up to my birthday week and for some reason all of the planning for the week goes away silently. I can't complain though. This year I had a great time with friends and family on numerous days within the week. Maybe it's because I'm a huge fan of the celebration of the day... I really don't know. I love my visit from my friend Savannah on Sunday and Monday. It was really great to see her and catch up on her new life in the Pacific Northwest. My bi weekly call to my friends in SoCal was amazing while in addition I received a video text from my friend Saley with his son rocking out to Mumford and Sons. My friends at the Wine Bar and Patrick Davids made the week very inviting with cards and great fellowship. My family made the tail end of birthday week so much fun with a dinner including cheesesteaks and ice cream cake with mint chip ice cream (my favorite). The thing is I look forward to these small celebrations from time to time because I need that happiness. I've looked forward to this week for a while. I still feel bummed out a bit after the week ended. It could have been the text message from my Dad on the 8th (not my birthday) or the effects from my heart wrenching, ongoing divorce that I am in. I really don't know. But, I take every day with a smile. I try to at least. I guess until next year. Here's to you March 9th. I really do like you... Even in the current situation.