I missed Church today
I always feel a little piece of me suffers from the miss
I grew up unsure about the lessons from My Church
I sometimes asked myself why I did things that later I questioned
I enjoy the refreshment of Praise
I sing (albeit may not sound too well sometime)
I Worship
I Devote my life to my FATHER
I love when my week starts out with that positive feeling
I wish that everyday was a Sunday
I missed Church today
I always feel a little piece of me suffers from the miss
I grew up unsure about the lessons from My Church
I sometimes asked myself why I did things that later I questioned
I enjoy the refreshment of Praise
I sing (albeit may not sound too well sometime)
I Worship
I Devote my life to my FATHER
I love when my week starts out with that positive feeling
I wish that everyday was a Sunday
I missed Church today