Never before have I had something hit me this hard
in which I could have prevented it. Exhaustion has been
building and building until finally it broke.
I push myself to be the best Jonathan that I can
be, yet sometimes I do too much. Friday night I had a wonderful
time at dinner and the Wizard of Oz Musical. It was amazing.
We had a great time! Great, Great, Great Time!
Then comes Saturday Morning....
I'm rushed to the ER in Walnut Creek.
I wasn't feeling too well, and I'm not sure why.
Come to find out my blood sugar had taken a turn for the worse.
My insulin pump was not working, therefore my medicine was not
breaking down the sugars in my body. This sent my body into Ketoacidocis. Something that any Diabetic is fearful of
losing their life to. Average Sugar levels for me is 110-160. That's perfect range for myself. Anything higher or lower could hurt my
long term outcome. When I checked into the ER, my sugars were run at 1200. That number alone sends chills into my body. It's been a long week with amazing help from my family, friends, and my work's understanding. I need to find a medium to make my life not as stressful as it is. Take a bit off so that I'm not hurting myself and the others that are in my life around me. As I type this, I still am weak, recovering from this freakish occurrence that happened last week. I'm thinking of what I can do to repay the people around me that were there for me when I most needed them. This week was a difficult one. I'm thankful for the loved ones around me. Without you.... I wouldn't be here.