
My Sister Susannah is awesome. She sets a bar for me to look up to at all times. I would give my right shaky hand for her daughters if anything were to happen to them. I love her to death. We have been close ever since we were young. I look at my sister and ask myself... Could I pull that off, can I be as cool as her. Her Husband is pretty legit too. He never glances at this blog, so I'd liked to give a shot out to MTP also. Great Father, Brother and Pastor. Sooz has started me into a bunch of hobbies that I don't belong in. Bead necklaces, Mix tapes and CD's, my first love for Jamocha Swiss Almond ice cream at Baskin Robbins, Art of any sort, and my fascination of U2. I owe a lot to my sister. A lot. When I've been gone from her for a while, she always knows when to reel me back in to reality. This past year, she has been there for me. Asking me, rather pleading me to come hang with my two loves(Monrovia, and Ruby). It always gets me in a good mood, even though I don't want to get out of that mood. This post is for my sister.. blogger, Artist, overall mom extraordinaire.
thanks johnny. these are very kind words. i love you, becca & aaron. thanks for not holding me responsible for the lame things i'm sure i did and said over the years! i know that feeling of not wanting to get out of a mood-i felt that way a lot when monrovia was diagnosed. holding her would make me feel better-but i didnt want to feel better.
ReplyDeletem, ruby & sadie would love to frolic anytime.