Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Happy Halloween

Upon moving to CA, my parents softened their stance a bit and let us trick or treat locally. Maybe this memory is why I enjoy dressing up every once and a while for fun.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
things i like today 12:13 a.m.

3. Siblings more than ever.
4. Health Insurance
5. Oil Paint
6. Tissues
7. Jameson
8. The upcoming holidays
9. opportunity to teach math intervention full time
10. A meaningful song, that I can pull a thought out of
11. Coffee with my mom
12. Grace
13. A very comfortable bed
14. years starting without being sheltered
15. Michael Diamond, Minnesota Fats, Ricky Pierce, J. Theodore Saleman
Monday, October 25, 2010
i gave you all
But I gave you all
Close my eyes for a while
Force from the world a patient smile
But I gave you all
But you rip it from my hands
And you swear it's all gone
And you rip out all I have
Just to say that you've won
Sunday, October 24, 2010
From the moment Alexander wakes up with gum in his hair, things just don't go Alexander's way. When Alexander gets out of bed, he trips on the skateboard and drops his sweater into the sink while the water was running. At breakfast, Alexander's brothers, Anthony and Nick reach into their cereal boxes and find amazing prizes, while all Alexander ends up with is cereal.
On the way to school, he doesn't get the window seat in the carpool. At school, his teacher, Mrs. Dickens doesn't like his drawing of the invisible castle (which is actually just a blank sheet of paper), criticizes him for singing too loud and leaving out 16. His friend, Paul deserts him to his third best friend and there is no dessert in his lunch.
At the dentist's, the dentist, Dr. Fields tells Alexander he has a cavity, the elevator door closes on his foot, Anthony pushes him in the mud, Nick says he is a crybaby for crying, and Mom catches him in the act of punching Nick.
At the shoe store, they're sold out of Alexander's choice of sneakers (blue ones with red stripes), so Mom has to buy him plain white sneakers, which he refuses to wear.
At Dad's office, Alexander makes a mess of things when he fools around with everything there (the copying machine, the books, and the telephone) getting to the point where Dad tells him not to pick him up from work anymore.
At home, the family has lima beans for dinner (which he hates), there is kissing on TV (which he also hates), bath time becomes a nightmare (too hot water, soap in his eyes, and losing a marble down the drain) and he has to wear his railroad train pajamas (he hates his railroad train pajamas).
At bedtime, Alexander's nightlight burns out, he bites his tongue, Nick takes back a pillow, and the family cat chooses to sleep with Anthony. No wonder Alexander wants to move to Australia.
Thursday, October 21, 2010

I have been unable to go to a good concert for a while, partly because I've been busy, partly because I've been out of it; but more over because there hasn't been a real reason to go to pay an overpriced ticket to see an uninspirational band. That was until last night........
1/2 Way There.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Take this Soul.....and make it sing
You can have your wealth and riches
All the things you seek,
Position, power, and success,
The fame you long to keep.
You can earn as much as you wish,
Reach a status high above,
But none of these can equal
Having one sweet child to love.
Monday, October 11, 2010
A perfection of sorts
What a great day.

#1 Philadelphia Phillies swept the Reds and are now going to the NLCS
#2 A gift came from one of my really good friends and was given the chance to see my Eag's beat the niner's today at the Stick in SF.
#3 Was blessed to spend some time with a few of my favorites from SoCAL.... minus Mr. D. Time with them is always Cherished as Tomato Soup for the Soul. Much needed, never enough.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The Detailed Laughter in My Life

Why is it when I am in such a weird situation with life........ Sports help me smile. It's so weird. When Lew Dog's actions were revealed to us and therefore was leaving us for a 33 year old Dude in 2008..... the Philadelphia Phillies won the World Series. In 2009, when Ms. LaGrant decided enough was enough and she wanted a separation, the Flyers went to the Stanley Cup Finals. 2010 and my heart has had a disastrous week. I may seem happy and cheery on the outside, but this week was the absolute worst week of my life. Yeah, my Dad is Gay and does not want any part of us. Yeah, I have a constant memory of losing my full time Teaching job that knocks at my psyche every day. Yeah, I'm Divorced at the age of ____. But you have to take the pitfalls as they come. I have friends that love me. The Wine Bar Gig makes me smile every time I walk through the kitchen door. Teaching; albeit only Substituting, gives me a chance to further my career that I love so passionately. And to put the icing on the top, Roy Halladay pitched a No Hitter in the NLDS tonight. I'll take those smiles as they come. Day to Day, week to week, month to month, year to year. My life continues.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Ahhhhhhhh Life Sometimes

Life Stinks sometimes....
I mean sometimes you are going to have your downers.
I like to have happy days every day. With my nieces, Sisters, brothers, mom etc.......
Someday's just effin Suck.
Life is so trivial.
Day to day it's just so hard.
12:12 in the am. watching The Dark Knight. Drinking 1 Smirnoff Ice. Life is so trivial.
Hot Pocket in hand ( pepperoni) and a bummer on my mind.
The Town was awesome last night in the movie theater.
Work has been delivering. Thank you Jesus for that.
Dark Knight is full of suspense, like my ugly life.
Bullet the Blue Sky.
Breaking news.......... Kids are on my horizon.
Morgan Freeman is an Amazing Actor..... Every movie he does is legit.
Paint helps. every once in a while.
Matt and Mark. Inspiring
Joeska, Ray, B make the night money..... Nikki makes the night Fresh
Underdog is keeping me afloat
Teaching is my heart.
Will I ever get my permanent chance
My roommate makes me happy when my life is dirt
Ahhhhhhhhhhh Life Sometimes