Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

For the love of......... Great Things.

I love making people smile through my art.

 I love my nieces

3 to 1

They slay my heart.

I love great concerts with really crappy seats.

I love my friends.
All 5 of them.

Just kidding :)

I love my life how it is no matter what the outcome. 
I have learned to live my life to the fullest.
It's worked out for me so far. 
What do you love about your life?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Reminds me of a certain someone.

R.I.P. Steve......
we lost a creator.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thank You God........

Thank you God for

The children of mine

Who teach me

That blow my mind.

They entertain themselves

In the funniest ways.

I pray that the innocence

They possess never goes away...

what we need is here

as in love or sleep, 
holds them to their way
clear in the ancient faith
what we need is here.
And we pray, not
for new earth or heaven
 but to be quiet in heart 
and in eye clear. 
What we need is here.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

In Transition

Feels so good to paint again. 
It's like starting all over.
I can't wait to do more.
Very addicting.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Benefits of Family.

Sometimes its good to have a good family
base around you when in times of trouble
and hardship. They can be there for you when
you need it the most, and just when you need
a most important pick me up. Family comes in
all shapes and sizes. For me, Family is just more
than my close knit Ruff, Prinz, Anderson Family.
It spreads out much further than that. I've needed some
serious pick me ups these past few weeks.

How can you not get a instagrin from this
one? She's amazing. If I could see her every
day, my life would be so much happier. My family
is what gets me through everyday. Not sure that you know,
but I'm a friends kinda guy. I love all of my friends.
I love em.
They pick me up on the worst of days. Wine bar friends,
school teacher friends, golf friends, church friends. All of
my friends are to blame for me being so happy lately.

and this one in general.
I'm glad that I was able to come across this
piece of humble pie. Something that I don't deserve,
but I will be very selfish and not let it go.
A wonderful person that has made my life amazing lately.
Like I say to all of my friends and my students...
she's pretty legit.
So I just want to thank you all for being a friend of mine.
You make me so happy at times when its needed most.
A friends a friend forever cause the welcome will not end!
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