Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Post Traumatic Summer Syndrome

What am I doing?
It's been at least a month and a half since I've blogged.
Am I depressed?
Do I have nothing to say?
I feel like I am at a loss for words.
I haven't even painted for at least a month.
Or written a poem.
I'm not sure if it's a bummed out factor....
or just life catching up with me.
Mononucleosis slowed me down a few weeks ago.
Maybe that is a small culprit.
My facial hair is getting long.
As long as my "to do" list is this summer.
I really need to turn this around.
This isn't what Summer is about.
It's really not.
Here's to finding the Answer.


  1. Primos is coming soon. That will make your summer.. Tomacita and Minnesota are coming to cali. Ah yea...

    Call Rick and let's meet for dinner.

  2. I know this - it´s a phase that you go through once in a while ;) and it´s not depression or anything, see it as a break. You can´t always climb up a hill (which is strenous but at the same time very satistfying) and when you are on top, what do you want there? you have to get down again just to climb up another hill and enjoy the view for a while ;)

    1. Thanks Thinkreative. Great comforting, strong words at an opportune time. Got back on the canvas tonight. These words can get me back at it.


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