Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Result of a charred Childhood

My entire life has consisted of a creation of a whacked out Vocabulary. Whether it is is childish to some or awkward to others, I have chosen to use certain words, phrases in my strong sentence structure. I don't know where these words are formed or how they come about, but they just fit into my daily dialect. I think most of it comes from the lack of my use of Swear words, since I was young. Lewis Albert jr. used to say words under his breath when he tended to get mad at the family and I always used to get riled up about that. My favorite was when he used to say instead of "Gdamnit" he would violently throw out a "Dagnabit". Maybe that's where this crazy deal came up with making stupid words up. I try to keep my language under wraps, however sometimes there is those times when I just have to let it out. Please remind me if I left any out.

Mother Freak
Harriet Winslow
Chauncey Billups

I know there are a ton more, but just thinking of these few, makes me laugh at what an idiot I must sound like when I am talking to people in conversation. Here's to many more years of me growing up and me trying to grow towards a better vocabulary and not sound like I'm 18 again.
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