Sunday, March 4, 2012

Birthday Week.

Obviously I had a love for cats.


  1. what's up? you hanging with your lady love for the day? any other bday week plans?

  2. No plans work tomorrow night, Wednesday I'm free, Thursday bowling, Friday birthday dinner, Saturday working , Sunday I'm free.

  3. maybe a little family fentons ??? any chance we could fit it in between naps and Becca and Mark's church -on me?

  4. I wonder why you are walking on the Moody's front porch with only a diaper on. I mean, that was not your normal mode and it's not like it was raging hot up there in northern Maine. Too bad I can't remember, but you look totally satisfied. I do remember hanging with Moodys every Sunday after the evening service. I loved it - the highlight of the week. And they loved you and Sooz. You guys were the closest thing Margaret Moody ever had to grandchildren as she died early from lung cancer pretty soon after we moved to California the first time.


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