Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Oh I've missed you.

It's been hard missing special items that I own. In the past I have referred to some in this post. However, this past weekend I was able to retrieve some of these items and a little piece of me was able to return back to normal. Today was my day off and I was looking forward to getting this put all back together. I might sound a little nerdy, but I enjoy the wiring and electronic part of setting up my surround sound system. It sounds great after all these months away from its rightful owner. I hung my painting Devotion behind the TV to add a little flair to the room. Let me know when you all want to have "movie night" so I can warn my neighbors in advance. All I am asking is that you bring the popcorn.


  1. K, so those DVD stacks must be huge, because your TV is huge but in this picture it looks tiny.


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